PCC Blog: Focusing on timely issues affecting independent pediatric practices

7 Reasons to Attend a Users' Conference

Written by Bettina Dold | Jun 11, 2018

As PCC’s annual Users' Conference approaches, our teams often speak of the value they derive from meeting with and listening to our clients. In our planning phases for the event, many individuals come together to assure not only a smooth rollout, but also to plan for an important client networking and learning opportunity.

Why is it key to get out of your office and attend?

1. Staying Up-To-Date
Even if you attend webinars or listen to podcasts, getting out of your office for in-person learning allows you to stay current about what we, at PCC, or what your vendor is working on. The opportunity to learn from subject matter experts or to offer up your own expertise cannot be underestimated. In addition, the learning will show you whether your knowledge is current or whether you need to increase your proficiency in certain areas.

2. Product Training
One of the top reasons for attending a users' conference is to attend the many formal training classes focused on product use and configuration free of charge. This provides an outstanding opportunity to ask every conceivable question, while getting detailed, hands-on training. Also, participating in training in a lab setup, where specific one-on-one sessions can be scheduled will get you over the hurdle on workflow questions you may have put off.

3. Best Practices
What would a users' conference be without roundtable discussions and open Q&A sessions on pediatric best practices? At PCC, our clients provide some of the best information on many independent pediatric EHR topics, sometimes even through detailed pediatric presentations. These best practices can greatly contribute to the PCC Experience and overall practice success. Besides, many sessions provide you with CME credits that are important to your professional development.

4. Inspiration
Working with your peers creates an environment of success and collaboration. By interacting with pediatricians, you have an opportunity to be inspired through the varied interaction opportunities presented at a users' conference; not only can you meet pediatrician friends, you are exposed to other people’s experiences and knowledge – and you may build a lasting friendship along the way.

5. Presenter Opportunity
As a subject matter expert, you may have the option to present your knowledge and insight at a users' conference. Sharing your pediatric expertise, business acumen and practice success with a larger audience allows for feedback, as well as post-presentation interaction. This not only builds credibility, but also offers an environment for future collaborations with others in your field.

6. Product Direction
Attending the users' conference delivers on a key need all of PCC’s clients have: the future direction of the product. Not only will you have the chance to hear about future releases, you can actively contribute to them. Being part of a customer focus group lets you hear what other clients desire and give suggestions, shaping the product direction. It is also a great opportunity to meet the team who is actively responsible for creating the solution you use in your pediatric office very day.

7. New Friends
There are professional platforms to stay connected; there are the pediatricians in your immediate vicinity. However, a users' conference, like PCC’s annual Users' Conference, is a key event that puts you in the same location with like-minded individuals. Building in-person relationships with other pediatricians, office managers and billing staff is invaluable to sharing in your mutual success.

Why attend a users' conference?

Finally, combining some work, education, networking, travel and fun are a welcome break to your daily schedule and routine. It may provide motivation to look at your work in a different light, to embrace the PCC Experience more fully and to make some new friends along the way.

Want to learn more? Take a look at Chip Hart’s webinar, as to why you should get out of your office more often.