PCC Blog: Focusing on timely issues affecting independent pediatric practices

Prescribe Anywhere with pocketPCC!

Written by Allie Squires | Feb 25, 2025

Pediatricians, like their patients, are always on the go. That’s why in PCC 10.2, we’re excited to introduce e-prescribing from pocketPCC!

PocketPCC is the mobile version of PCC EHR, where you can access many of the same great features in your workstation at the office. Users familiar with eRx will find mobile prescribing just as intuitive as it is in the EHR. 

You don’t want to miss all of the fantastic parts of PCC eRx: select your favorite medications, compare real-time prices and insurance coverage, and prescribe certain Schedule II medications, such as those for ADHD, for 3 months.

Whether it’s between exam rooms, on the soccer field, or approving an urgent prescription while away from the office, mobile eRx changes the game. In real life, you’re not always at your workstation but always thinking of your patients. It’s just one more convenience that makes PCC EHR the number one choice for independent pediatricians.

To learn more about prescribing in PCC EHR, check out the article on PCC Learn. Learn all about it in the release documentation.